Juniper lee x
Juniper lee x

juniper lee x


The colors of their clothes blend around until they form a single solid color for each girl in a dress like pattern, June looks over at her friend Judy and see's a bubble begin to inflate around her from her own skin as a second pair of lips stretch from the bubbles surface to her own lips.


June tries to struggle free as her friends are confused and panicking over whats happening but their efforts suddenly halt as their arms smooth away completely and their legs merge together stiff, forcing them to stand still as they continue to change. Immediately all three girls feel strange as their skin and clothes turn soft and playable like slimy putty and start changing color as the goo begins to spread across their feet and sticking them to the ground where they stand. June sneaks away to investigate the crash as her bracelet warns her that the being is a magical one, but before June can deal with it, her friends Ophelia and Jody catch up to June and want to know why she ran off, as June tries to come up with an excuse the object-like being begins to leak a goo-like fluid and trail its way tword them with Junipers back turned and her friends unable to see magical beings shielded by the veil, the goo trails make contact with all three of them as the transformation begins. Juniper lee's role as the Te Xuan Ze is to maintain the balance of the veil, the magical barrier between magical creatures and the rest of the world.but little does she realize that the veil stretches the entire universe and magic exists on all worlds, and one bit of that magic finds its way crashing into Orchid Bay Park from many galaxies away while Juniper Lee is picnicking with friends. Id like to give a shout out thanks to artofC91 the leg portion of these characters is directly inspired by one of their works The ending screen shows up James got fired for killing robots and the end of the game.My buddy Sooperstuff made this pic and it came out magnificently great :D June charges and James cuts her head on top.

juniper lee x juniper lee x

June kick in the gut, James went flying and crash into wall. Ray Ray about to jumpscare him, but he fall flat on his face. James punch him down then chopped his face. Dennis scream so loud as James cut his jaw off. "Get lost freak!" James charges and chopped his arm off. He open her mouth so wide, revealing endo skull. Jody freaked out as while James walks towards her. James throws axes at Ophelia on her head. James smirked and say "They not gonna scare people now." Jody and Ophelia walks towards James. James cut his back head causing him to glitch and Malfunction. James hides table again to see what animatronic he want to kill. James tackles him and cut his torso 4 times, then cut his left eye off. James hide under the table for every animatronic arrive. James chopped her jaw wide open, unable to close her mouth, and exposing endo mouth and wires. Until he stand up and plan to destroy all animatronic. You must survive the night till 6 AM from other animatronicĪt 6 am James notice someone who give him was in traffic.

Juniper lee x